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July 8, 2004

Tavern Trove Part Two

I'm still compiling the stats and photos from the big 2004 family vacation, so I'll close that out in the next post or two.

Meanwhile, I found a great surprise in the pile of bills, junk mail, and magazines awaiting me after arriving home.

In a previous entry, maybe the shortest blog entry I've ever done, I put a quick shout out about Tavern Trove. Tavern Trove is self-proclaimed as the online site where Where collectors buy and sell vintabe breweriana worldwide.

Now first of all, I have to say, this is the first time I ever heard or saw the word "breweriana".

Now this is a curiosity to me - I like words, though I'm not overly skilled with them, I like to learn and new use words. Often, I'll look up words in my handy Yahoo! dictionary search. Zip results on "breweriana". Same here at

Hmmm... did they make it up? Not necessarily, a simple Google Search returns a ton. My apologies for the digression, but there is an answer here somewhere. Or not. Shut out at,, and I wonder if this is a more recent, emerging market/cultural term that is yet to be abridged into some keen, progressive dictionary.

Instead, my new friend at Tavern Trove answers it clearly, where I should have checked in the first place:

Breweriana is simply beer advertising. New or old, expensive or inexpensive, if it has a beer brand on it, it is breweriana!

So, back to my original point, somehow the way I stumbled upon traven trove, I took to searching surnames - specifically "Bartel" to start, and was surprised and impressed with my probably relatives "brewerianic" ambition. I spent some time searching for additional names of those I know, though was surprised that many search results yielded little to nothing.

In any case, Erik who runs the site somehow took notice of my link to his site, and as a token of gratitude sent me one of the actual "Bartels Beer" coasters! The very same one pictured in my previous and very short post on the subject.

So a few lessons learned:

  1. Blogging can pay dividends
  2. There are genuinely generous people whom you've never met who will give you something of value (in return for something of value - I suspect there were at least some click throughs on my link, but I don't track such things)
  3. Remember to update your Links Page once in a while too (I've done this now and added Tavern Trove in my appreciation for the cool coaster).
  4. Breweriana is a cool word, not yet in a dictionary - I'll vote for it if there is a nomination

So thanks Tavern Trove and wishes for continued success to you in the breweriana industry!

Also, if you actually like breweriana type stuff, this site has some very very cool items. Be sure to check it out!

Posted by gcrgcr at July 8, 2004 10:56 PM

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