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February 3, 2003

You say tadpole... I say

You say tadpole... I say polliwog...

Max turned three this past December, Grandpa Neil and Grandma Dale
bought him some tadpoles.
A great little ecosystem aquarium with two tadpoles, some shallow
water, and some higher "rock like" grounds and "vegietation" for the
frogs that they will become to hop around. I "quote" the "rock" and
"vegetation" because the entire thing is made of plastic. It is very
cool - I wish I had one, and of course Max was thrilled.
He named his tadpoles, Grandma and Granpa - aptly enough.
Well, Max (and an equally obsessed Joie) have been religiously feeding
(we keep a block of blood worms in our freezer - yum!) these fellas and
patiently awaiting legs to sprout and hopping to ensue.
As of yet, nothing. Maybe some bumps appearing back in the hip/leg
area. Things are going slow but well till now.
Till now. Problem.
Grandma died.
Fortunately this is not referring to Grandma Dale, but rather to
Grandma Tadpole. I got to preside over services by the toilet, which I
guess as a father of three, is yet another milestone I eventually had
to reach. Consider it done. Grandma is in the big happy tadpole party
in the sky, and Max, well - he's okay with that... so long as we go to
the store tomorrow and get a Grandma replacement. With Grandpaa - the
real Grandpa that is... they will do just that.
That's it for now. Later. Tom.

Posted by gcrgcr at February 3, 2003 11:03 PM


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