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August 20, 2007

First Day of School 2007

Originally uploaded by gcrgcr
Today was quite a milestone for this Bartel family. All three kiddos - AJ, Max and Jesse are now in Elementary school. Fourth grade, third grade, and Kindergarten respectively. Wow. Time flies when you are having fun.

It is hard to believe I took 46 photos in about 20 minutes time, but for such an event - I suppose that is reasonable.

So enjoy the photos. The full set is here, and try the Slideshow.

Otherwise, as a slowly-becoming-a-not-necessarily-new Flickr user I continue to experiment more with the service.

I've uploaded this mornings photos as a set to my Flickr account. I'm actually posting this blog entry, to my blog, right out of the Flickr interface - not using my blog tools, but Flickr's.

The fact that I can do this is very, very slick. I'm not overly impressed with the coding however - so I made some very minor tweaks to the resulting post.

Still, Flickr seems to think of the right feature sets that users want- and when they do something - as with the conversion I went through - it seems to work, really, really well.

There seems to be more for me to experiment with, so I'll post further updates (and photos!).

Posted by gcrgcr at August 20, 2007 9:55 PM


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