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November 10, 2004

Did you ever notice?

So my Dad just called - he lives in Phoenix - and being too busy with the kids to really chat, I handed him right off to AJ, my 6 AND A HALF (he makes me say that) year old.

AJ likes to talk on the phone. He can chat like no other. It is almost 15 minutes later and I make sure to track AJ down. AJ gets to chatting and wandering with the cordless phone. You have to find him and ensure that the person on the other end of the line doesn't need to be rescued.

I find him, and settle down and listen. AJ is about 45 days into 1st grade, and I assume he is speaking about school when he says:

"Did you ever notice how Graders - y'know when you become a Grader - after kindergarten, well school - it, y'know gets harder? It's like, they expect you to know that 50 + 50 is 100... and that y'know 100 + 100 is 200... "

I'm thinking that this is a pretty sharp kid. Kind of sly I think, to demonstrate with examples, presented as difficult, but at the same time answering them away, as though they aren't so tough. Kids like to boast, especially about new found knowledge.

Yet, he continues:

"...and 200 + 200 is 300... and 300 + 300 is 400 - I mean it just gets tougher and tougher!"

Ha! So much for a Nobel prize in Mathematics. Still, his spirit and joy to me is prodigious in a way that satisfies like nothing else. The smallest moments with your kids are some of the best. Thanks AJ!

Posted by gcrgcr at November 10, 2004 7:22 PM

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