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August 21, 2003

Motivation... AJ starts kindergarten


AJ starts kindergarten on Monday. Tonight we went to an open house at the school so teh kids could find out what class they had, which friends they had in class, and meet their teachers.

AJ's teacher is Mrs. Donahoo (Don - A - Who). His two good buddies, Sam and Nicholas ended up all in the same class with eachother. There were no guarantees or ways to request this, so it just happened. This can be a good thing or not.

I remember when I went to college up at CSU. My best friend Kit and I
purposely set out to ensure we would not be in the same dorm. Part of
new experiences is getting outside you comfort zone. That is how we
grow. But, this is kindergarten - so I suppose I'll give the kid a
break. It will obviously be a new enough experience over all that
having his buddies there is probably going to add some stability during the new experience.

AJ is a great kid. The great thing about AJ, is he's really friendly.
No matter where we go, whether its a park we've never been to, a store
somewhere in a different state - AJ always makes friends. He asks kids
their names, do they want to play, etc. I'm sure he will do really

We got home from open house and get this, AJ is very upset that he can
not go to school until Monday. I suppose that may change someday, but
for now I'll take it as a good trend.

Posted by gcrgcr at August 21, 2003 9:01 PM


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