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August 4, 2002

More FormerMMers are born...Well, the

More FormerMMers are born...Well,
the slide continues... Jen Hausman and Josh Galloway officially became
formerMMers on July 31. There are not many of us left... Brad P., Bob
A., Clinton B., Pat H., Pam R., Eric G., Lee L., Mark K., Dave K., Matt
C., Craig M., Harry P., Juliet B., Mimi H., Francis K., David K., Bryan
D., Lucinda N., Michelle P., ... that's all I can remember now. Also
notable is that with Lisa D., having departed in January, and now with
Josh gone... Losh Gallovan has now left the building in all parts. Losh
hails from the former Repulick States of the Slobaknian Czechtenstein.
One of the only photos ever of Losh is seen here. Bummer. Did make it
to the Boulder County Fair parade yesterday with the boys. It was long...
- since it's an election year, numerous politicians (their supporters)
also marched... I guess the parade was 40% larger due to this (and
longer). Yuck. Didn't get to go see lisapotumus run her dogs at the
fair... hopefully she did well! (and Brooke and Plaide).
I'm running way behind on several web projects... however the next
phases on some of them are really interesting work. Hopefully this
Dandeeno and I entered the Doubleclick "Summer Coding Carnival" - a
programming contest for worldwide DCLK employees. There is a two hour
conference call on Thursday to explain the problem that needs solved.
Should be interesting.
I ordered Cable Modem service from AT&T today... they are
installing on the 13th. Cross your fingers (mine are). This is a major
breakthrough, especially for where I live (a 30 year old neighborhood
in Longmont).

Posted by gcrgcr at August 4, 2002 10:10 AM


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